All about oil of castor bean or castor seed

Castor Oil

Useful Castor Oil


Most people have heard of Castor oil. The association that most have with it typically revolves around old wives tales for healing purposes for ailments that grandmas would use. Many do not know Castor oil uses and Castor oil benefits. There is an increased interest in alternative medicines and many of the medicinal foods and oils that once were thought of as simple folklore are becoming more widely popular for actual medical problems.

All About This Miracle Oilcastor2

The Origin of Castor Oil

Castor Oil comes from the Castor bean or Castor seed also known as Ricinus Communis. It is a mild and unscented liquid. Its history of use dates back to ancient Egypt. It was mostly used as a laxative and taken orally. It is currently not being recommended to be ingested, as it is potentially toxic. It is one of the oldest forms medicines. It was commonly used throughout history in Greece, Rome, Southern Europe, Persia and Africa. Castor oil benefits in history were mostly for eye irritations, labor induction and epilepsy.

Production of Castor Oil

The countries that produce the most Castor oil crops are India, Brazil and China. Because it contains “ricin,” which is a toxic protein form, it can have some health risks. Harvesting Castor beans has its risks and crop workers have been known to have side effects from being exposed to these beans.

A Medicine

For centuries the Castor oil benefits have been well known. It has been proven as a remedy for many illnesses and also as a way to induce labor in pregnant women. Though new research in the modern age has shown additional treatments and Castor oil benefits. Many physicians for certain problems recommend it to be used as “packs”. This pack is simply Castor oil soaked on a cloth and placed over skin to an affected area. A pack should not ever be place on “broken” skin areas. It is highly recommended to discuss Castor oil uses with a physician before using it.

How it Works

Castor oil is made up of a high concentration of unsaturated fatty acids. This concentration of fatty acids is believed to assist when used topical as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant oil. When using it in a pack and when it is heated it penetrates into the skin and is said to help heal inflammation as well as other physiological problems within the body.

Purchasing Castor Oil

It is advised to purchase a higher quality Castor oil, which is available at most health food stores. Cold pressed Castor oil is one of the best types of this kind of oil to purchase.

The Many Ways to Use Castor Oilcastor

Topical Medical Castor Oil Uses

Some in the medical field have said there are over 30 different medical problems that this oil can aid in reducing or eliminating. Some of the aliments are reduced when using a pack and for others it is recommended to massage in the Castor oil directly on the skin. When in doubt or if a person is new to Castor oil uses, getting a recommendation on how to use it from a physician is highly recommended. Some ailments that Castor oil benefits when applied topically are:

  • Arthritis
  • Muscle Aches (as well as Lavender oil and Eucalyptus oil)
  • Foot Pain
  • Insomnia
  • Skin Infections
  • Colic in Babies
  • Menstrual Cramps (as well as Peppermint oil)
  • Yeast Infections (as well as Tea tree oil, oil of Oregano and Cinnamon oil)
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Bladder Infections
  • Immune System Boost for Cancer, HIV and Lupus patients
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Gallbladder Attacks
  • Sunburn
  • Acne (as well as Tea tree oil)
  • Hair Loss (as well as Olive oil )

Oral Medical Castor Oil Uses

There are a few ailments Castor oil benefits and can help with when taken orally. Because of the toxic potential that it has, it is not recommended to take it orally unless under the supervision of a physician. A few of Castor oil uses when taken orally are:

  • Constipation: One of the original Castor oil benefits was for its laxative effect when taken orally.
  • Intestinal Worms and Tape Worms: Expelling a tape worm or other intestinal worm has been researched to be successful when taking a tablespoon of Castor oil in a glass of warm milk, two times a day.
  • Inducing Labor for Child Birth: Taking a small dose of Castor oil mixed with a glass of juice and a little baking soda is the recommended folk medicine way to induce labor. It should be noted that it does have a laxative effect. It stimulates the bowels, which is what trigger hormones that contract the bowel muscles and the uterus. The triggering of hormones causing the uterus to contract is what brings about labor.

Non-medical Castor Oil Uses

There is a lot of value in this oil. It is not used just for its medical purposes but also for it’s non-medical benefits. There are many products on the shelves that know the Castor oil benefits and use it as an ingredient. It has a germ killing and disinfectant property, which is why it is a good ingredient in cleaners. It is also used with many beauty products, such as soaps as it is good for the skin. Other Castor oil uses are for packaging designed for plastic containers, motor oil, brake fluids and synthetic resins.

Useful Castor Oil | All About This Miracle Oil | The Origin of Castor Oil | Production of Castor Oil | A Medicine | How it Works | Purchasing Castor Oil | The Many Ways to Use Castor Oil | Topical Medical Castor Oil Uses | Oral Medical Castor Oil Uses | Non-medical Castor Oil Uses